Who We Are…

PNHS Board 2023-24

To: The Prouts Neck Community
From: Vaughan Pratt
Oct 1, 2023

Now in our NINTH full year as a Society, I am delighted to report that ‘history’ is alive and thriving at Prouts! There are numerous things that make Prouts Neck unique and important to all of us. By inspiring families to share their memories, using technology in innovative ways, and constantly refreshing the content that reaches us throughout the year, the PNHS plays a key role in sustaining the traditions and connections of this remarkable place.

The work of discovering our shared history is never really complete, because we receive a steady flow of photographs, diaries, film clips, and oral histories, as many of you keep unearthing unique items from your own families’ experience at Prouts. Some of the richest material comes from the many past and current interviews (many captured on video), mostly with elder members of the community whose memories run deep and rich.

Thanks to flexible, cutting edge technology, we are preserving vast amounts of this material in a digital museum, where it is labeled and organized in ways that make it easy to search and use. Our website is being continuously enriched as new items are scanned, catalogued, stored, and organized into fascinating exhibits, both in print and online, where we can also feature our outstanding video collection.

The most exciting part of what we do is sharing this treasure trove of material in ways that reach virtually every Prouts family. The monthly Prouts Necker now reaches more than 1,100 subscribers; we deliver lively and entertaining public presentations; we publish handsome, richly illustrated books (two so far, and actively working on our third); and respond to hundreds of emails and phone calls.
We hope you will join us as we discover, preserve and share the collective histories of Prouts Neck.

Your generous support makes all this possible!

We hope that you will join with the more than 300 families who have contributed so far. This is a unique opportunity to build something very special to preserve our past, share it with future generations, and discover new connections within the community. Look below to learn what we have done, and how we plan to use your financial support in the months to come.

Prouts Neck Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to Prouts Neck Historical Society and mail them to the address below.

Prouts Neck Historical Society

PO Box 993

Scarborough, ME 04070

Or you can click here to donate online!

What We Do…

What we Do slide - work in 2020-21


Scarborough Historical SocietyThe Scarborough Historical Society was established in 1961 to protect the rich history, heritage and traditions of Scarborough. Its mission is to share this history with the community by collecting, preserving and displaying materials associated with the past. Staffed totally by dedicated volunteers, the museum is open Tuesday mornings from 9:00 AM to noon and by appointment all year round.

The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is one of the earliest collegiate art collections in the nationn, with over 20,000 objects, including a collection of Winslow Homer letters and memorabilia. Their quarterly exhibitions cover a variety of historic and artistic topics. In the summer of 2018 an Exhibition on Winslow Homer and Photography will showcase many Prouts Neck images from a variety sources including Winslow Homer’s own camera.

Maine Historical Society“The Maine Historical Society preserves the heritage and history of Maine: the stories of Maine people, the traditions of Maine communities, and the record of Maine’s place in a changing world. Because an understanding of the past is vital to a healthy and progressive society, we collect, care for, and exhibit historical treasures; facilitate research into family, local, state, and national history; provide education programs that make history meaningful, accessible and enjoyable; and empower others to preserve and interpret the history of their communities and our state.”.

It’s YOUR history!

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