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1990 St. James Church pipe organ

Built 1897 by Hook & Hastings of Boston. Refurbished in 1976 after the pilings under the organ had deteriorated and the organ had sunk.
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1990ca Coues 60th Anniversary

Back Row: Phoebe Coues Houghton, Ali Houghton, David Houghton, Ashley Dimond Giese, Andrew Sheriff Middle Top Row: Renwick Dimond Jr., Ellen Dimond, Mandy Coues Sheriff,...
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1993ca Playgroup!

? De la Guerroniere holding Jake Rockefeller, Helen Wagner holding Charlie Wagner, Jeanette Rockefeller holding Connor Rockefeller, Sarah Gould holding Sophie Gould, ? holding ?,...
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1995-09 Labor Day Party, El Rancho

Labor Day, Homer Sunday, Noon Balloon, Dead End Kids1 Andrea Ritchie2 Carol Steele3 Tori Willauer4 Mort Pratt5 Hannon6 Dorie Homer7 Leonard van Dykum8 Brad Willauer9...
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