Book Library

Selected books about Prouts Neck, along with memoirs from delightful Prouts Characters!
Note: All books are searchable!  If you like you can download pages from each. 

Current prouts history books

1994 Stratton’s Islands of Saco Bay by Georgiana Chase
Stratton’s Islands of Saco Bay

1994, 128 Pages
From colonial times to present-day Audubon sanctuary. Packed with photos and illustrations.

2014 BOOK ONE – History Highlights
Prouts Neck History Highlights

2014, 90 Pages
Over 170 photos, documents and brief stories spanning 400 years.

2016 BOOK TWO – Some People of Prouts
Some People of Prouts

2016, 90 Pages
Who they are and what they did!

PNCC Centennial

2007, 200 pages
Hundreds of great photos that capture the people and moments of this 100th Anniversary. [Order via Blurb]

older prouts history books

These works were written by folks who were often part of the early history.

1971 Prouts Then and Now
Prouts Then & Now

Peter Coues
1970, 100 Pages

THE first great compilation of Prouts photos & stories.

1912 Beacon Lights
Beacon Lights in the History of Prouts Neck

Moses Weld Ware
1912, 34 Pages

Excellent synopsis of Prouts history from a 1912 perspective.

1876 Guide Book to Portland & Vicinity
Portland & Vicinity

Edward Elewell
1876, 172 Pages

Tour guide for those traveling by coach, including a trip to Prouts. (Search ‘Prout’)


Memoirs by prouts residents

These works were written by folks who were often part of the early history.

1986 Kitty Barclay Prouts Neck History
Prouts Neck History

Kitty Barclay
1986, 18 Pages

Nice, short history by a Prouts favorite person.

1880-1938 Memoir by J Hartley Merrick
Memoir 1880-1938

J. Hartley Merrick
1938, 21 Pages

Wonderful writing and anecdotes about the early days of Rusticators, Cottages and Clubs.

Further reading

Bibliography (2014)
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