We had a month’s vacation for our honeymoon because Arthur had a a month’s vacation and we had places we went before. And someone, I guess Arthur’s parents (Mildred and Arthur Kuschke, Sr), gave us their week at Prouts Neck, there, so that we could have it all by ourselves (The Towers). Elsie (Parkhurst) and her tribe came in later and had a picnic on the beach and all the cousins were there and that was fun. And of course we thought this was a beautiful place (August of 1951). A very unusual house, a big house to take care of but well-equipped with everything you needed. We would just go out and walk about the Cliff Walk to the beach go swimming. I think we played tennis at the Country Club {you: so you and Arthur were tennis players, I didn’t know that} Yes, Arthur played there with with the Coues and the Eldridges in his younger days. He enjoyed that.
We went to different parts of Southern Maine. Going to West (Sebago?) there was a famous inn, that was for Shore dinners that was a new experience. {And you were from San Francisco so this was different.} We went across to the old Second Parish Orthodox Presbyterian Church which was across from the was across from the fire station in Portland, one of these old Gothic buildings with a tall steeple. And steps steps steps to get in, and you wonder how elderly people ever got in. And that steeple was in bad shape and needed $10,000 in repairs. The congregation had dwindled so they sold that property and bought a place on the western prom, a small one but it works fine and they are still there.
{And did Arthur show you all around his childhood memories?} Yes down at Sea Jewel Cave and Canon Rock of course. I met some of the old timers. Mrs. Dodge who had Clipper Ways, and Jackson was still alive then, and some other folks, and I’m trying to think it was in the later Smith’s house–a friend of Arthur’s named Earl Newhart had bought that place (from the Hales?)
Bob Smith’s parents stayed at the Inn. Bob had the big house {beside the Towers} and his big family and on the other side of course was Alice and Ozzy Willauer and their boys. And living in the water tower house was Mrs. Wagner’s mother [Reichold]. Mrs. Wagner was married the same year that we were. She was at the same luncheon that we were that Dorie (Homer) gave for the newcomers at Piper Farms. Her name began with an S, and she came often to the pottery shows where my son would sell gifts and such. There was a grocery store where the present post office is and they would deliver to your house. It was just a very very lovely quiet place (where?) I can get a lot of walking around, up the beach to the Atlantic
House and back again. And have the place all to ourselves for a week. {Thank You}

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